CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
20-22 October 2005 CERN
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OAI4 Breakout Groups
These offer a chance to discuss a topic in more depth with a smaller number of people in a more informal room. Each group will have a theme and a leader as described below. The workshop will break into these smaller groups after coffee on Friday 21st October at 11:30 and the session will last for approximately two hours.

Each group will make a 10-minute presentation of their discussion to the rest of the workshop participants on Saturday 22nd October between 10:40-12:00 in the main auditorium. Materials from the discussion can be made available afterwards on the Web.

OAI4 Participants: please sign up for the breakout group you would like to attend. This section of the agenda is optional.

Breakout Group 1

Sign up for group 1

Breakout group leader: Heather Morrison

Title: Policy Issues

Description: The OA movement is coming of age, moving from ad hoc experimentation to policy formation at many levels, from the individual institution to the research council to parliaments. The purpose of this discussion will be to further our understanding of issues likely to arise in policy discussions around open access, and identify some effective advocacy techniques. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences with policy development, and/or thoughts and questions about policy-related issues or advocacy strategies.

More details of breakout group 1

Breakout Group 2

Sign up for group 2

Breakout group leaders: Hans E. Roosendaal & Katarzyna Kurek

Title: Business models for scientific information, and the scientific process?

Description: Any business model for scientific information should create:
• value in the scientific process;
• commercial value.

In this breakout session we will discuss business models from these two values, the emphasis being on the value in the scientific process.

This leads to the following questions for discussion:
1. An important characteristic of scientific information is that it is not an end product in the scientific process but an intermediate product accepted by the scientific community for further scientific scrutiny. Intellectual property should be instrumental here. How should intellectual property impact on business models?
2. Which conditions do authors and readers expect with respect to scientific information and its business model?
3. Is the open access model superior in creating value in the scientific process?

More details of breakout group 2

Breakout Group 3

Sign up for group 3

Breakout group leader: Vanessa Proudman

Title: Our authors are central.
Populating repositories and building on partnerships between libraries and researchers. Economists Online as a case in point.

Description: This session will present the project in brief, and share success stories as well as more challenging ones relating to content acquisition from the authors in particular; describing how relations with authors have developed from skepticism at the beginning of the project to great enthusiasm in some cases.

Participants from different institutions will share experiences with the group. Lessons learnt and best practices will stimulate discussion relating to:

• How can the design of a project which is focused on the needs of the author as content provider achieve successful partnerships for collaboration on repository work in the future?
• We are not in competition with the publishers. Libraries have other services to offer and opportunities. What can we therefore address?
• What are the key challenges in such projects, e.g. IPR issues, quality issues?
• Obtaining critical mass - what are we still up against?

More details of breakout group 3

Breakout Group 4

Sign up for group 4

Breakout group leader: Heinrich Stamerjohanns

Title: Open Journal Systems

Description: In this session we will look at Open Journal Systems.
GAPworks, a workflow software of the project German Acadamic
Publishers (GAP) will be presented.

The system allows the setup of a complete publication
workflow for publishing institutions including a web-based peer
review. The workflow supports different review models, can be
configured to meet local requirements, and can also be used as
an institutional repository with an embedded OAI Data-Provider.

We will also look at the SEER/OJA system of IBICT in order to find areas of
overlap as well as differences in the approach.

Despite these more technical presentations, we will look at strategies how to set up Open Journals and how academic researches be motivated to contribute their papers to such journals.

Participants should be willing to share their experiences in setting up Open
Journals in the hope that the Session will enable people to use the full potential of such tools to build new or expand existing research communities.

More details of breakout group 4



CERN | Queries about OAI4 | Last modified 30 September, 2005